This project shows the analysis of Landsat 8 satellite images of Mexico to calculate the NDVI. It includes preliminary raster manipulation from raster files I created using Google Earth Enginle.
RShiny web app that explores 50k+ bird sightings at North Campus Open Space from the eBird database and the Santa Barbara County Breeding Bird Study.
A raster map created using the probability of occurrence of 35 cetacean species found in the California Bight.
Choropleth and interactive maps exploring California oil spills.
A sentiment analysis of The Little Prince using the NRC lexicon and a nice word cloud with the 100 mos used words in the text.
Classification of palm species by their morphological characteristics via logistic regression. Simple machnine learning example.
How similar are cheeses depending on their country of origin? This project uses principal component analysis (PCA) on the nutrition data for 45 types of cheeses from 10 countries to explore this question.
Analysis of the relation between answers to survey questions about the respondent's self-identification in the political spectrum and as environmentalists. To perform this analysis we use a chi-square test for independence
Analysis of snowshoe hares' characteristics and numbers at the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest.